The Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building

Consortium for R&D in circular and biobased design

If we want to build a sustainable world, we must consider the entire system. In the Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building, stakeholders, creatives and knowledge partners from the world of construction, policy, infrastructure, nature and agriculture work under the leadership of Biobased Creations on new perspectives for a sustainable living environment. Through storytelling and imagination, we involve experts and a broader audience in these collaborations and the results they yield.

After The Growing Pavilion in 2019 and The Exploded View in 2020 and 2021, we will be presenting the Embassy’s work in the coming years through the Possible Landscapes program.

We include both professionals and the general public in the results of our search. We tell you what we have discovered, but also what we don’t know yet. We show the possibilities and the sticking points. And we invite everyone to participate. 

The Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building is part of the World Design Embassies, a Dutch Design Foundation program. Partners and interested parties meet monthly. Want to join